Save Water
Keep your lawn green and save waterHere are a few tips on how you can keep a green lawn and save water:
- Plant Hybrid Bermuda grasses such as Tifway or Celebration Bermuda. These “warm-season” grasses have deep root systems and require less water than “cool season” varieties such as Fescue or Bluegrass.
- Over-watering weakens turf plants more than under-watering. Watering to attain a medium green turf color results in a deeper root system and less time required for maintenance.
- The best time for watering an established lawn is from 4 a.m. to noon. Why? Less wind and evaporation plus less risk of disease on the leaf blade.
- For sloped areas, avoid wasteful run-off by programming multiple, shorter watering events rather than one longer watering event.
- Poorly designed or maintained irrigation systems are big water wasters. Visually inspect your irrigation system at least once every season. While the sprinklers are running, look for malfunctioning sprinklers, excessive run-off or clogged drips emitters. Make repairs as needed.
- If your controller does not automatically adjust with the weather, manually adjust your watering times monthly.
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