Hybrid Bermuda

Water Conservative, Warm-Season Grasses
Baseball field of bermuda grass

A-G Sod Farms offers several premium Hybrid Bermuda varieties that are drought tolerant and thrive in California’s climate.

Two traditional varieties are Tifway and Tifgreen>. Both of these versatile hybrid Bermudas have a long reputation of providing an excellent turfgrass surface for parks, sports fields, golf courses and residential lawns.

New and improved Bermuda varieties include TifTuf™ and NorthBridge™. These improved cultivars were bred for superior color retention as the weather cools, disease resistance, rapid recovery, and many other benefits like their predecessors.

And don’t forget the Water Savings!

These warm-season grasses use 20%-50% less water than cool-season grasses – an undeniable benefit for California.

Not all varieties are offered at all locations. For more information on what is available in your area, please call the farm nearest to you.

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Moreno Valley, CA

Palmdale, CA

Fresno, CA

Stockton, CA

Fort Collins, CO

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